
About us

Time is free, but it’s priceless.

People waste on average of 5.25 days each year waiting in line.

Kiminoban gives you back control of time to increase revenue and lower costs.

Tachikoma AI

At Tachikoma AI we know that with an average of 5.25 days per person lost each year on waiting in line and in an environment where personal space, health & safety have become the new normal, respecting everybody’s time is crucial for business efficiency and having a great customer experience. In a post-pandemic world, people will continue coming back to spaces that make them feel safe and secure.

Sébastien Béal, CEO at Tachikoma AI

On a mission

The world doesn’t revolve around us, but that doesn’t mean we have to waste time waiting either. There must be a better way to use everyone’s time.

Our mission, our commitment to you the company and you the visitor is to create an experience that values your time and delivers the results you aimed for.


Ready to dive in?Get in touch.